Saturday, August 28, 2010

Purwokerto 1

Thanks my is ramadhan days i so miss someone in there, he always care to me since i born and his made me can be flyling. Before on this time i got little mixed up because normally on the ramadhan celebrity someone give something to someone who's always come down to your dreamed, but i do not enough power to do that on this time.
One more time thanks god...when i open my bank account, Google Adsense already sent me some payment for me and he said "GOOGLE ADSENSE REVENUE SH ...............$...."
So I would like to say something to you "minnal aidhin walfaidhin, good bless you forever"
and that for you my regrad from maya worldwide.

Friday, August 27, 2010


Enjoy with the passive earnings from the internet marketing, but how to get that must be working hard when the site just born, probably like we're will spending 3 hours 4 time a week for 2 months to do edit the site, search engine optimations, tagging etc, after that if we got lucky that site got good traffic so large of peoples to views at least we will got clicks. Temen-2 senasib internet marketing, dari pengalaman kami emang di dunia maya banyak sites yg menawarkan publisher seperti Google Adsense, Chitika, hyperbidder dll masih banyak lainnya seperti dari europe, usa, asean or dari Indonesia (mungkin personalnya dari purwokerto, banyumas) dari pengalaman kami yg paling sering trasfer deposit ke account kami Google Adsense.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Kita bisa cek berapa earnings kita saat itu, diatas contoh earning saya tidaklah terlalu besar, karena saya bukan seorang IT malah dulunya saya bisa dibilang gaptek.
Saya pakai title purwokerto dgn harapan suatu saat bila seseorang searching di google or yahoo dgn keyword (kata kunci) purwokerto blog ini bisa ada di halaman 1, 2, or 3.
Disini sy hanya mau sharing dgn para netter barangkali bermanfaat, syukur belajarnya di KalputNeT Purwokerto, ntar kita bisa saling sharing, thanks.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Keyword is important thing for the website, that will be bring around to SEO (search engine optimations) "website kita akan mudah ditemukan orang dgn kata kunci tertentu, masuk halaman pertama di google/yahoo page.

Google Adsense Publisher, kita dibayar pay per click , ada beberapa keyword tertentu dgn bayaran tinggi diatas $1 per click.

My blog used keyword see below :

kalputnet prwokerto, warnet, game, online, iwari, awamas, banyumas, game online, game station, unsoed, baturaden, owabong, internet browsing,

Diharapakan netter yg searching dgn keyword itu blog ini akan tampil dihalaman pertama, sehingga blog sy ini akan dibaca orang dan bila mereka click google advertise link sy akan dapat per click, dalam 1 bulan kalo erning kita mencapai lebih dari $100 (usd) maka kita akan pendapatkan dollar itu.